Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"She's a real Beaut!"

Remember how I was saying that sharks are really old? You know what else are really old? Crocodiles. At 200 million years, they’re only about half as old as sharks, but still 145 million years older than dinosaurs. Also, like sharks, it is believed that crocodiles have evolved little over the past several million years.

Crocs live between 70-100 years. Though there are several on record that have lived many years beyond this.

Oh yeah, and crocodiles kill way more people than sharks, which make them pretty cool. Next time I will write about a 1945 incident in Burma where it is believed several hundred Japanese soldiers were eaten by crocodiles whilst retreating from the Royal Navy.

*It's reported that crocodiles are responsible for 40 human deaths per year.

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